Title I
What is Title I?
Title I is a federally funded program for schools through the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). The funds are used for educational purposes for children to provide additional support to ensure academic success. The focus of the Title I program is on helping all students to meet high standards.
Gladstone Street Elementary School is identified as a Title I school.
Our Title I program provides the following:
● Teachers who work with students who benefit from additional support
● Learning resources for students
● Professional learning resources for teachers
● Teachers who work with students who benefit from additional support
● Learning resources for students
● Professional learning resources for teachers
Resources and activities for parents/families to access as they support their child academically:
Technological Support (call school), Parent Café, Cranston Library, Kid Venture (after school program),
Health Equity Zone, RIPIN, and the Cranston Family Center
- MYon (reading program access through clever)
- A Parent’s Guide to Google Classroom
- Parent Roadmap to the Common Core
- Tutor.com
- Class Dojo
- Talking Points
- Go Noodle (great for K mindful breaks and indoor movement breaks)
- EPIC (free online classroom library),
- IXL , Zearn , Seesaw (math programs),
- STEM Advantage (Science Centered After School Program),
- Center for Resilience (program for all grade one students at school)
Why Parent Involvement Matters!
We, at Gladstone Street Elementary School, believe parents are a child’s first teacher. Working together will help foster the learning and growth for our students. Sharing strategies and ideas on how best to meet the student’s needs are critical for growth. Staff will participate in meetings with parents/guardians to share grade level information, resources and ideas. Communication will be made through phone calls, student planners, apps,
emails and newsletters.
emails and newsletters.
Regardless of income or background, students with involved parents are more likely to:
- Attend school regularly
- Have better and improved social skills/behavior and adapt
more easily to school - Earn higher grades/test scores and enroll in higher-level
programs - Be promoted and pass their classes
- Graduate and go on to further education
When asked, students said parents pushing them made a difference.
Gladstone, along with the Family Center are committed to helping you get involved and attend family engagement events. Please call or email if you need assistance in order to participate in our events.
Cranston Family Center/Child Opportunity Zone
Hours 7:00am- 3:30 pm
Monday - Friday
Outreach Workers
Grace Swinski: 270-8078 – [email protected]
Robin Gervais: 270-8495 – [email protected]
The Family Center outreach workers are here to help support you and your
family. Should you need assistance with school, parent, or community
resources; want more information on how to help your child at home; looking
for support or activities to do at home; feel free to call or email the Family
Center for assistance.
Family Center Events 2021-2022 (to be Planned and announced)
October Impossible Dream playground
Library Story hour (3 weeks)
Parent Advisory Committee (PAC)
November Thanksgiving basket giveaways
December Holiday Help Giveaway
Cookie Decorating
Planetarium (Winter Sky)
January/ Leadership classes (4 weeks) 1st half
February Parent Advisory Committee (PAC)
March Leadership classes (4 weeks) 2nd half
Nutrition workshop (4 weeks)
April Night at the Museum
Parent Advisory Committee (PAC)
May Family Event
Grace Swinski: 270-8078 – [email protected]
Robin Gervais: 270-8495 – [email protected]
The Family Center outreach workers are here to help support you and your
family. Should you need assistance with school, parent, or community
resources; want more information on how to help your child at home; looking
for support or activities to do at home; feel free to call or email the Family
Center for assistance.
Family Center Events 2021-2022 (to be Planned and announced)
October Impossible Dream playground
Library Story hour (3 weeks)
Parent Advisory Committee (PAC)
November Thanksgiving basket giveaways
December Holiday Help Giveaway
Cookie Decorating
Planetarium (Winter Sky)
January/ Leadership classes (4 weeks) 1st half
February Parent Advisory Committee (PAC)
March Leadership classes (4 weeks) 2nd half
Nutrition workshop (4 weeks)
April Night at the Museum
Parent Advisory Committee (PAC)
May Family Event
Gladstone Street Elementary School Parent and Family Engagement Plan
What is it?
Our Parent and Family Engagement Plan (PFEP) is a plan to describe opportunities we will provide families to support student learning and growth. Our Parent and Family Engagement Plan is based upon school goals for student academic achievement and is developed by parents/guardians and school staff.
Collectively, we believe the partnership with our families is critical and valued in order to achieve our common goal – strengthen student achievement.
Who is it for?
Who is it for?
All students participating in the Title I program and their families are encouraged and invited to fully participate in the events described in this plan.
Gladstone Street Elementary School will provide opportunities and accessibility for parents and families with limited English, with disabilities and of migratory children.
How is it revised?
How is it revised?
Our Parent and Family Engagement Plan is updated every year with input from parents, families and school staff.
In late winter, the Family Center will distribute an annual Title I survey to each family. It will be sent electronically to all families or a paper copy will be given to students to bring home. The survey will ask for input on the current Parent and Family Engagement Plan and engagement opportunities that take place during the school year. We encourage suggestions and input in the development of an updated Parent and Family Engagement Plan and Parent Engagement Budget. Families can provide feedback through participation on our School Improvement teams, Parent and Family Engagement activities, Family Center events and PTO meetings throughout the year. Once the plan is created, it will be presented to the community during parent engagement meetings, School Improvement and PTO meetings. Paper copies are available upon request for review.
When agreed on the finalized version, it will be introduced as the Parent and Family Engagement Plan at the annual Open House/Title I Parent Involvement Meeting, which takes place in early fall of every school year.
Where is it available?
When agreed on the finalized version, it will be introduced as the Parent and Family Engagement Plan at the annual Open House/Title I Parent Involvement Meeting, which takes place in early fall of every school year.
Where is it available?
Each year the Parent and Family Engagement Plan is distributed to all parents/guardians of students at the Open House/Annual Title I night.
The PFEP is available on our school website and in our Family Resource Center. Families can request a paper copy by contacting the school. Translated PFEP in a particular language is available upon request. We want to make continual progress in working with our families and welcome any feedback and suggestions throughout the school year.
Parent and Family Engagement Budget:
Gladstone Street Elementary School receives funds to support building the capacity for families to be engaged with student learning. Opportunities are offered to all parents/families through meetings, engagement activities, feedback forms/surveys to provide input on how these funds are spent.
Suggestions can also be made through the Family Resource Center who will record requests and comments.
District Family Engagement Policy 2022-2023
Cranston Public Schools Title I District Parent/Family Engagement Policy 2022-2023
Cranston Public School recognizes and supports the engagement of parent in their children’s education. Over forty years of research has proven that parent engagement is linked to school success (Henderson & Mapp, 2002). Families, regardless of differences in cultural, economic, and educational backgrounds, who are involved in their children’s education have a positive effect on their children’s learning (Sui-Chu & Willms,1996). Cranston Public Schools uses Title I monies to fund Cranston Title I Family Center (COZ). The Family Center builds relationships with and provides respectful practice and responsive programming for Title I students and their families. To increase parent engagement in Title I schools, Cranston Public Schools has committed to following the requirements found in Title I, Part A, Section 118 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act by implementing the following:
Goal 1: Engage families in Title I program planning, implementation and review (ESSA, Title I, Part A, Section 1112)
- The Cranston Title I Family Center will recruit parents from each Title I school annually to participate
on a Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) whose purpose is to develop, review and recommend changes to
parent engagement policies, school improvement plans, and home-school compacts. - The results of the PACs deliberations will be reported by the Family Center staff to each Title I school
principal and to the District Title I Parent Engagement Co-Coordinators. - The District Parent/Family Engagement Policy, School Parent Engagement Policy, School Parent
Compact are distributed to all Title I families at the start of the school year. Families sign a form
verifying their receipt of these documents.
Goal 2: Conduct annual parent surveys (ESSA, Title I, Part A, Section 116 (a)(1)(D))
- The Family Center will develop and distribute an annual Title I survey to each family to measure the
effectiveness of parent/family engagement. Surveys will be distributed during each school year. - Survey results will be used to design programs and services at the school level and district wide.
- The Family Center will develop additional evaluation instruments as needed during a school year to
measure the effectiveness of specific programs and services.
Goal 3: Support Individual Schools in Meeting Title I Requirements (ESSA, Title I, Part A, Section 111(d)(1)
and (2)
and (2)
- The District Title I Family Center assigns one staff member to each Title I school to act as a family
engagement liaison. Each liaison works with the school to support school sponsored family events, to
provide outreach to all families in each school. The Title I Family Center will facilitate the school level
Parent Advisory Committee (PAC). - The Family Center assists each school with survey distribution, tabulations and findings.
- Family Center staff provides technical assistance to Parent-Teacher groups by attending regular meetings
of the group.
Goal 4: Supporting Parents and Families to Become Actively Involved in Their Children’s Education
- To build capacity for parent engagement and to increase the participation of parents in their children’s
education, the Cranston Title I Family Center implemented the 6 Requirements of Building Parent
Involvement capacity. - Families receive information and referral services from the Family Center to help them meet basic needs
to improve some of the conditions that inhibit engagement. - Families are highly encouraged and invited to school and the Family Center throughout the year to
attend workshops, trainings, parent conferences and family events. - Families receive information to support their role as partner with the school in the education of their
children. In the fall, Title I schools hold Annual Title I meetings to learn more about Title I and the
supports the school receives to increase academic achievement for all students. School Report Night is
held at each Title I school every spring informing parents of the school’s state assessment results. Parent
receive information to help support teaching and learning resources and books to build home libraries.
The Family Center collaborates with many community agencies to strengthen family engagement,
including RIPIN, Cranston Public Library, Cranston Head Start and other community programs. - Family Center staff outreaches to incoming Kindergarten students and their families through transition
events held at their home schools. - The Family Center partners with Johnson and Wales University to offer leadership training to parents. This level of engagement is designed to help parents develop a sense of their own efficacy and their ability to positively impact their children’s educational outcomes.
- Communication with families is frequent and, in a language, which parents can understand. Documents and translation services are available for families requiring assistance.
Goal 5: Providing Opportunities for Family Engagement in School:
- Families are included on school improvement teams, parent advisory committees (PAC) and the Family Center Advisory Board. Families can represent their schools on the district-wide Multi-Lingual Learner Parent Meetings, Special Education Advisory Boards, PTO/PTG and Cranston Education Advisory Board (CEAB).
- Parents can register to volunteer at school in accordance with Cranston Public Schools Volunteer Policy.
- The Cranston Family Center provides parents with opportunities to gain skills and confidence in their ability to positively impact successful school outcomes for their children through a variety of training and educational offerings that may include, but not limited to leadership training, family literacy and numeracy development and family experiences.
Revised August 2021
Gladstone Street School Parent Compact
It is important that families and schools work together to help students achieve high academic standards. The purpose of the School Parent Compact is to make clear our shared expectations for student learning and to clarify the important roles that we all play in supporting your child’s education.
School-Parent Compacts
Gladstone School Parent and Family Engagement Plan includes a Compact, which is developed by staff, parents/guardians, and students. The Compact is an agreement that explains how parents/guardians, teachers and students will work together to make sure that every student is supported in reaching academic success. All families are invited to review the Compact and provide feedback and input every year. Revisions are made and are based on input from parents, students and teachers. Compacts are discussed and given out at the beginning of the school year. The Compact will be referenced throughout the year by students, parents and teachers at parent engagement meetings, in student goal setting, and in designing lesson
Gladstone School Parent and Family Engagement Plan includes a Compact, which is developed by staff, parents/guardians, and students. The Compact is an agreement that explains how parents/guardians, teachers and students will work together to make sure that every student is supported in reaching academic success. All families are invited to review the Compact and provide feedback and input every year. Revisions are made and are based on input from parents, students and teachers. Compacts are discussed and given out at the beginning of the school year. The Compact will be referenced throughout the year by students, parents and teachers at parent engagement meetings, in student goal setting, and in designing lesson
Gladstone Staff agree to:
▪ Provide a safe, comfortable learning environment that encourages family involvement
▪ Respect all cultures
▪ Provide a high-quality and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment with clear expectations
▪ Provide monitoring reports to inform parents of their child’s progress and engage families in parent/teacher conferences
▪ Model positive values including hard work, respect and responsibility
▪ Maintain two- way, ongoing, timely communication between home and school
▪ Encourage parental involvement through volunteering
▪ Provide a safe, comfortable learning environment that encourages family involvement
▪ Respect all cultures
▪ Provide a high-quality and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment with clear expectations
▪ Provide monitoring reports to inform parents of their child’s progress and engage families in parent/teacher conferences
▪ Model positive values including hard work, respect and responsibility
▪ Maintain two- way, ongoing, timely communication between home and school
▪ Encourage parental involvement through volunteering
Parents and guardians agree to:
▪ Send your child to school on time 8:20am for breakfast and instruction begins at 8:35am
▪ Talk with your child about school every day and encourage them to do their best
▪ Establish a daily homework routine with adult support
▪ Maintain two-way communication between home and school – review student planner nightly
▪ Model positive values including hard work, respect and responsibility
▪ Get involved at school by volunteering and/or observing; participating in parent/teacher conferences and meetings
▪ Read to or practice literacy skills with your child and encourage them to read or practice their literacy skills
▪ Participate in decisions relating to the education of our children
▪ Send your child to school on time 8:20am for breakfast and instruction begins at 8:35am
▪ Talk with your child about school every day and encourage them to do their best
▪ Establish a daily homework routine with adult support
▪ Maintain two-way communication between home and school – review student planner nightly
▪ Model positive values including hard work, respect and responsibility
▪ Get involved at school by volunteering and/or observing; participating in parent/teacher conferences and meetings
▪ Read to or practice literacy skills with your child and encourage them to read or practice their literacy skills
▪ Participate in decisions relating to the education of our children
Student agree to:
▪ Work hard in school every day
▪ Respect teachers, classmates and property of others
▪ Complete all homework in a thorough, neat and timely manner
▪ Maintain a daily student planner
▪ Follow all school rules and accept responsibility for your actions
▪ Work hard in school every day
▪ Respect teachers, classmates and property of others
▪ Complete all homework in a thorough, neat and timely manner
▪ Maintain a daily student planner
▪ Follow all school rules and accept responsibility for your actions
Together We Can Improve Learning
Gladstone Street Elementary School will host the following events to:
● Build the foundation for strong parental engagement
● Support a partnership among the school, parents/families and the community to improve student academic achievement.
Meetings and activities will be provided at a variety of times and formats to help accommodate parent/guardian schedules. All parents/families will receive notification and invitation to the events via emails. If meetings and events are unable to held in-person, information on how to access a virtual meeting will be shared. All are highly encouraged to attend and participate whenever possible.
Welcome Back event | end of August |
Parent Café | ongoing |
Coffee the Curb | Last Friday of the month |
PTG meetings | by monthly |
Basketball game with 5th graders | March |
Parent/Teacher Conferences | March |
School Report Night | May |
School Improvement Meetings | on going |
Literacy Event | April/May with Reading Week |
Kidventure (after school program) | throughout the school year |
STEM Advantage(science focused after school activity) | throughout the school year |
Curriculum Night |
In recognition that the parent is the child’s first and most important teacher and that the parent’s continued involvement is essential for the success of the child. Gladstone Street Elementary School is committed to building a strong family-school partnership.
To improve student achievement and to maintain strong school/family/community partnerships, Gladstone Street Elementary School shall:
▪ Hold an annual meeting, at a convenient time, to which all parents shall be invited and encouraged to attend, to inform parents of the school’s participation in the Title I program. The school will explain its requirements and the parent’s right to be involved;
▪ Involve parents in an organized, ongoing, and timely way, in the planning, review, and improvement of the parental involvement policy and joint development of the school wide plan.
To improve student achievement and to maintain strong school/family/community partnerships, Gladstone Street Elementary School shall:
▪ Hold an annual meeting, at a convenient time, to which all parents shall be invited and encouraged to attend, to inform parents of the school’s participation in the Title I program. The school will explain its requirements and the parent’s right to be involved;
▪ Involve parents in an organized, ongoing, and timely way, in the planning, review, and improvement of the parental involvement policy and joint development of the school wide plan.
Provide parents of Title I students:
▪ Timely information about the program
▪ A description and explanation of the curriculum, the forms of assessment used to measure student progress, and the proficiency levels students are expected to meet
▪ Opportunities for regular meetings to gather suggestions and to participate in decisions relating to the education their children, and to respond to any such suggestion.
▪ Parents of Title I students shall be given the opportunity to jointly develop and annually review a School-Parent Compact. The Compact will outline how parents, the school staff, and students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement and how school and parents will build and develop a partnership to help
students achieve the State’s high academic standards.
▪ Timely information about the program
▪ A description and explanation of the curriculum, the forms of assessment used to measure student progress, and the proficiency levels students are expected to meet
▪ Opportunities for regular meetings to gather suggestions and to participate in decisions relating to the education their children, and to respond to any such suggestion.
▪ Parents of Title I students shall be given the opportunity to jointly develop and annually review a School-Parent Compact. The Compact will outline how parents, the school staff, and students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement and how school and parents will build and develop a partnership to help
students achieve the State’s high academic standards.
To ensure effective involvement of parents and to support a partnership among the school, parent, and the community to improve student academic achievement, the Cranston Public Schools and Gladstone Street Elementary School, as a Title 1 school, shall:
● Provide support to parents in understanding such topics as the academic and student academic achievement standards; state and local academic assessments; how to interpret state assessment reports requirements of Title I; how to monitor their child’s progress; and how to work with educators to improve achievement through materials and trainings.
● Ensure parents are informed of student progress through ongoing two-way communication via student planners, conferencing, email and the school website. Regular, timely notification is made regarding students who are not reaching proficiency standards for their grade level.
● Issue Report Cards at the conclusion of each trimester and progress monitoring in the middle of the trimester. Grading and written narrative comments are used to inform parents of: successful achievements, specific problems and request for a conference.
● Invite parents of children referred to RTI and/or Special Education Team to meetings to provide input in their child’s intervention plan.
● Educate teachers and other support staff, with the assistance of parents, in the value of families input; in how to reach out to, communicate with, and work with families as partners; to implement and coordinate parent programs; and to build ties between families and the school
● Provide teachers and other support staff with reports on family engagement that will highlight successful family involvement programs, plans, and ideas to build family support for student success. Parental involvement professional development opportunities will be provided through school-based and system-wide in-service programs and monthly faculty meetings.
● Coordinate and integrate parent involvement programs and activities and to conduct activities that encourage and support families in participating in the education of their child.
● Ensure that information related to school and parent programs, meetings, and other activities is sent to the parents in a format in a language the parents can understand
● Provide after-school workshops for parents as needed.
● Create a collection of publications for parent distribution or check-out.
● Issue Report Cards at the conclusion of each trimester and progress monitoring in the middle of the trimester. Grading and written narrative comments are used to inform parents of: successful achievements, specific problems and request for a conference.
● Invite parents of children referred to RTI and/or Special Education Team to meetings to provide input in their child’s intervention plan.
● Educate teachers and other support staff, with the assistance of parents, in the value of families input; in how to reach out to, communicate with, and work with families as partners; to implement and coordinate parent programs; and to build ties between families and the school
● Provide teachers and other support staff with reports on family engagement that will highlight successful family involvement programs, plans, and ideas to build family support for student success. Parental involvement professional development opportunities will be provided through school-based and system-wide in-service programs and monthly faculty meetings.
● Coordinate and integrate parent involvement programs and activities and to conduct activities that encourage and support families in participating in the education of their child.
● Ensure that information related to school and parent programs, meetings, and other activities is sent to the parents in a format in a language the parents can understand
● Provide after-school workshops for parents as needed.
● Create a collection of publications for parent distribution or check-out.
In carrying out the parental engagement requirements of Title I, Gladstone Street Elementary School, to the extent practicable, shall provide full opportunities for the participation of parents with limited English proficiency, parents with disabilities, and parents of migratory children, including providing information and school reports in a language such parents understand.
● Inform ELL parents about classroom instruction and provide training and materials to be used at home
● Continue the Spanish-English Story hour program, Coffee and Conversation with the Principal where information is shared with the families on a variety of topics and to provide additional resources within the community